The Chinese middle class has surpassed the entire US population in size and Chinese buyers have caused prices to rise in major cities around the world. Some countries like Australia are enacting new taxes to slow the inevitable flood of Chinese money.

As a broker, would you like to tap into this market? If so, you’re in the right place. It’s not an easy market to break into but if you make the right choices, it is possible. And speaking Chinese is not necessary. (or course it never hurts)

The bad news is that the techniques you use now don’t work. Advertising trust in China is the lowest in the world. And prices are among the highest. Transparency and Pay Per Click non-existent.

If you make the right moves, you can be very wealthy selling to Chinese buyers. Many of my students are selling not only the highest value property but they have a fresh steady stream of leads.

According to the National Association of Realtors research, in 2015, the average price a Chinese overseas buyer purchased in the US was over $800,000! And that’s a nationwide average. You’ll find very similar statistics in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the UK.

Many things you’ve come to rely on: buying leads, advertising, Facebook and Google are not the key to success in this market. The key is understanding how you are viewed, getting the attention of the right type of buyers and contacting them directly. All the things I learned selling to Chinese buyers for decades and I teach it all in my course.

If you are looking for an easy solution, this isn’t for you. There is no half-ass way to get into the Chinese market. You actually have to do some work. And change some mindsets. Even if you are Chinese! Times change quick in China. Methods that worked before no longer do. And there is no “lazy mans guide to finding rich Chinese buyers”. If there was I’d buy it.

Instead I had to learn the secrets over the last 27 years of selling to Chinese. Starting from selling art on the streets of Guangdong in 1989 to owning and operating an agency selling to some of the wealthiest Chinese buyers in the world in Shanghai. And I’m not even Chinese! I’m from San Clemente, California. If a blond surfer from San Clemente can out sell Chinese brokers in China, you can too.

It’s not rocket science but it also isn’t intuitive. And it doesn’t come with having Chinese genes. It’s an ever moving target and that’s why I have some of the finest agents working with me and creating ever growing success all over the world.

If you would like to start reaching out and selling to Chinese buyers, you have two options. One study all the free stuff I created. Check out the Youtube videos, my podcast and the posts I wrote giving you tips for succeeding in this elusive but hyper rich niche of buyers.

But if you are a top level professional broker, you probably want to get the best advice right off the bat: personalized for your and your market. If that’s the case, join our members area. For now, it’s still only a one time charge of $998. That includes my best videos and hours of calls with myself where I work directly with you to hone your pitch and pick the people you need to be talking to. I teach you how to reach them and what to say once you do.

Then we follow up as the sale moves forward. I am available to answer questions as they arise when the client arrives so you can confidently answer all their questions and gain their trust. Also so you can quickly weed out time wasters and focus your efforts on the ones that make you money.

It’s all included in the one time charge. There are no upgrades, upsells or pitches. Once you’ve opted in, everything is pure gold to help you sell more.  No messing around. No lost time. No lost reputation with buyers who you would make errors with. I teach you how to capture their attention and build real friendships. The true key to success in China.

But at the same time, the buyers are sharp. They want the best. And they need specialized help. That’s what I teach you to give. So you get it right on the first try.

Selling to Chinese has one more added benefit. Sellers give you listings much easier than before because they see you selling like mad! And they see groups of Chinese buying with you. And your reputation grows. Everyone wants to join the winning team. Buyers and sellers.

Thanks for reading to the end. If you’re ready, click here to optin. If you still have questions, add me on Skype paulesalo or WeChat paulsalo and I’ll be happy to answer.

Please don’t contact me with offer to “work together”. Or to sell your properties for you. I will teach you. I will guide you. I can make you successful but I’m not going to implement the ideas for you. You’re building your business and the changes you make will have lasting effect on your bottom line. But it’s up to you to make them.