There is nothing like WeChat in outside China. I know that Whatsapp has similar functionality but my local city festival has similar activities to the Rio Carnival too. What makes WeChat, WeChat is 1. Chinese people. 2. Facebook blocked in China (no real alternatives. 3. WeChat’s relentless innovation. 4. WeChat had a head start on any other social media company because their parent company, Tencent, made passwords and username for WeChat and QQ (the outdated but well trafficked site with ready heavy, active users). Essentially, WeChat took over the Chinese market overnight. And singlehandedly destroyed the SMS business in China. Almost overnight. Everything is WeChat. If you want to buy anything. Shop, join a club, negotiate an agreement or contract with multiple parties, find a girl friend or boyfriend (hint see the “look around feature” it all revolves around WeChat. It’s the Swiss Army Knife of Modern Chinese life.
You can open a personal WeChat account or an official (company) account. For realtors, agents, brokers, estate agents, broker owners, franchise regional owners, I recommend a personal account. But if you want an official account, here is an excellent overview of the inns and outs by daoinsights. If you want to get start building a Chinese clientele now, join the other agents in our community working with Chinese buyers.