Dealing with Rich Chinese Real Estate Clients
1. Focus On the Relationship; Not the selling the property. Your relationship with a Chinese national will morph and grow over the years. Expect...
China Cash Buyers head to US. Canada’s Immigrant Investor Program suspended!
In short notice, Toronto and Vancouver may see a marked decrease
in the number of Chinese nationals wanting to buy homes in those
major metropolitan areas.
The Canadian government...
How to leverage China social media for qualified cash buyers
Did you know that 95% of internet users in China are registered
with a social media website.
Quiet a contrast with only 30% in Japan, 67%...
Do I need to know Feng Shui for Real Estate?
There are many secrets in finding that China cash buyer, one of them is
being aware of Feng Shui, the Ancient Chinese art of arranging...
Chinese Real Estate Tourism Booming!
Over the past year a revolutionary new bill is slowly working itself through
congress, if passed, it will be known as the VISIT USA Act.
Don’t miss the “Great Wall of Chinese Cash” that is literallly flying into the...
For some reason there is still the opinion that everything is cheap in China.
Things are beginning to get very expensive here in Shanghai and...
Don’t spend your time learning Chinese, learn to sell to Chinese.
Yes, there are real estate courses and now even, a "Chinese for Realtor's" courses popping up here and there, would you believe?
What if you...
International buyers invested more than $41 billion in the U.S. housing market in 2012!
What do L.A., Vancouver, New York & Toronto have in common?
If you live in one of these cities, you don't even need to read...
American homes considered a bargain by cash buyers from China
China cash buyers are coming by the plane load to cash in on the bonanza of foreclosed properties in Florida and Nevada and even...
Cash buyer deals close the fastest
All you hear about is foreclosures and the housing bubble of 2008...
The market has changed considerably since then and a lot of people lost